Guest Bathroom Remodel, ORC Week 4-7 Recap
One Room Challenge week 4-7! We got behind on the weekly blog posts, so giving a quick recap here on the happenings over the past several weeks.
Week 4:
Vanity counter selection with the kiddos help. I had initially purchased a black Ikea wood countertop for the vanity, but could immediately tell it was not going to stand up to the wear and tear the bathroom was going to get. Thus, we went on a hunt for a quartz slab to be fabricated for the top of the vanity instead. Pricier, but a smarter more durable option.
Rosie thinks she’s found the one!
Wall half tiles going in, vanity installed and wallpaper starting to go up!
All seemed good until we heard a slow hissing dripping sound. While installing the vanity, we had screwed it directly into a pipe. UGH. We had to remove the vanity and wallpaper AND tile and cut into the wall to find the source of the drip.
Week 5:
Pipe fiasco solved and more wallpaper getting installed. It’s coming together!
Week 6:
Shower tiles all installed—yay!
Week 7:
New vanity countertop installed.
We’re almost done, friends! Stay tuned for the big reveal in the next couple days. We’re excited to share how it all turned out! And as always, check out the ORC blog to see the other amazing participants. #oneroomchallenge #ORCAT #apartmenttherapy