One Room Challenge: Mud Room
When my boyfriend (now husband) and I purchased our home in Reno, it was just the 2 of us and a bull dog aptly named “Brofus”. We were both moving from the Bay Area: me from San Francisco, him from Santa Cruz, and were used to living in small apartments/condos. A 2,200 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with a washer and dryer seemed like moving into a mansion at the time. We would share the master, both have offices set up in the additional bedrooms and have our own bathrooms. Yes, our own individual bathrooms. I’d take the master and he’d take the guest bath
Fast forward 4 years and 2 kids later… a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house was not as spacious as it once felt. But we loved the location of our house and had already put a lot of work into it. We didn’t want to move. And it also didn’t financially make sense for us to move.
So, we hunkered down and made it work. I try to pretend we are like Whitney Leigh Morris: “You don’t have to live large to live beautifully”. Even though she is making way smaller spaces work more functionally than we are. But we’re trying…
Which leads me to the reasoning behind this one room challenge (ORC) project. Space! Our closet space is very limited. We have 1 closet for coats in the entry that is already filled with coats (mainly mine), extra linens, sheets, etc. Closets in the kid’s rooms are open and master bedroom closets are small. We desperately need some additional hidden space to hide additional coats, lots of shoes and backpacks and lunch boxes.
I’ve been home the past 3 weeks with sick toddlers, then got sick myself, so we are LATE to the ORC posting game. But better late than never, right? We’d love if you follow along as we make this little wall go from zero to hero. See below for a before picture and my little drawing of mud room plans. And check out the rest of the entries here: One Room Challenge Week 4.
Mud room before picture
Mud room plans